Israel submits protest on Kassam fire to UN Security Council

Israel submits protest on Kassam fire to UN Security Council


    H.E. Mr. Zalmay Khalilzad
    President of the Security Council 
    The United Nations
    New York


    I write to inform you of a Palestinian terrorist attack which took place today in spite of the understanding for a halt to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

    Earlier today, 24 June 2008, Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired three Qassam rockets at the Israeli town of Sderot. One rocket landed in the backyard of a house, damaging the structure. Two women were treated for shock. A second rocket landed in an open area in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, and a third rocket landed in the Sderot industrial zone. One man was evacuated to the Barzilai Medical Center.

    Israel considers today's rocket attacks to be a grave and unequivocal violation of the "state of calm" reached just a few days ago. Palestinian terrorism greatly jeopardizes and undermines the attempt to achieve a lull in violence. While Israel is aware that the "calm" is likely to be fragile and short-lived, as today’s terrorist attack demonstrated, it has asserted its commitment to pursuing every avenue to achieve a non-violent solution. Following today's violation, Israel will consider future steps.

    I should be grateful if you would circulate this letter as an official document of the Security Council.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.  

    Yours truly,

    Daniel Carmon
    Chargé d'Affaires, a.i.